
Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Year's Resolution: 50 Books

One of my resolutions for 2016 is to read 50 books by the end of the year.  I decided it will also count to finish a book that I started prior to 2016, because I have a pretty bad habit of starting books and not finishing them, especially with nonfiction.  Once I feel like I have a handle on the current book, I tend to find another book that looks interesting and switch to that one.  So this year, I plan to finish 50 books.

I finished my first book last night: See Me by Nicholas Sparks.  It was an easy first book because he writes in such an engaging way that it's hard to put the book down.  I was a little disappointed that I guessed his big twist before the book revealed it though.  His little hint earlier in the book was too obvious to forget.
2016 Book Count: 1

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